Saturday, October 25, 2008


We have been reading the Ramona series by Beverly Cleary. It has been fun, but the books are weird due to being written in the 50's and 60's. They have the normal stuff in there from books of that day - when people are happy, they are gay, etc...

When Lizzie and I read aloud together each day sometimes Jake will be in the room doing other work. He is a little eavesdropper really. If we are reading something he finds funny he will actually come over and join us. Well, the other day we were reading Ramona the Brave and the mom is telling Ramona and Beezus (Ramona's big sis) that she has gotten a job. Beezus immediately exclaimed, "Mom, you are going to be liberated!". Jake and I were rolling in the floor laughing and Lizzie didn't get it. Try to explain that to a 6 year old - it was an interesting conversation!

Well, ever since that day, when I am doing anything from making dinner to leaving for a Reliv appointment - Jake will ask, "Are you gonna be liberated?" or "Are you liberated?" or any variable you can think of with liberated in the sentence. It is kinda funny at this point, but getting old fast I must admit to you. I can not admit to Jake it is irritating or he will be relentless. He is a teenage boy after all, looking for any amunition to irritate a family member.

I find it interesting that in the 50's a woman was liberated if she worked outside the home and now it is the majority of women. I guess I have seen both worlds. I loved being a Dental Hygienist - but never more than being with my kids. Reagan crawled for the first time and took her first steps at the baby sitter's house while I was at work. I cried over that. I do not think there is anything wrong with women that want to have careers. I just know for me, I LOVE being with my kids. Can I be honest - I don't really feel the need to be liberated. Maybe because I have a choice. I have the greatest job in the world and I do it when I want and around my kids. Maybe if I felt I was forced to be home or forced to be at work either way I would want liberation? I guess in one way I have found a way to liberate myself and be home and work when I want. It seems like the best of both worlds to me.

Liberated...the word still kinda cracks me up!


Anonymous said...

I love that Ramona series.

reliv4life said...

citizen - they are fun

Shelley said...

Great post today! I think in being w/ your family - you are liberated in a sense. I would rather spend time w/ my family then the people at work. I think you work from home w/ Reliv - right? I'm still getting used to working from home w/ my new "job" but I admit - it feels good when I go to pick up my stepson from school now and get to see his extra curricular events.

Jen said...

Everytime I hear that word I think of burning bras.