Saturday, October 25, 2008


It has been a good day. Nothing extraordinary happened, it has just been a really good day. I feel grateful.

Wonderful things I have been blessed to be a part of:

- A friend of Sean's that no longer has knee pain or hay fever

- A new friend that is an older lady that told me today she can go up and down stairs without pain for the first time in a long time. She also has increased energy, enough so much that she was babysitting her 3 small grandchildren! yea!

- A friend no longer suffering from headaches or migraines

- A lady able to leave home without her inhaler for the first time in a long time

From just increased energy to an actual total life change - WHAT A PRIVILEGE to be a small part of it all! Yes - I am grateful.


Anonymous said...

I think it's a good thing to remind yourself frequently what you are grateful for.

I have to point out a hysterical coincidence - you are posting about healing, and the word verification is "hanta." Hantaviruses, transmitted by rodents, are deadly (cause hemorrhagic fevers). Okay, yes, I'm a nerd.

Shelley said...

It's nice to hear the positive things going on w/ other people!

Jen said...

Ok... my verification letters are "canes"
Yes, for real!
Here's hoping we never need to use one. lol