Saturday, September 20, 2008


First of all, I want to thank all of you who are so kind to me. You guys give me such support and encouragement - you have no idea!! I am grateful for each of you.

All that said, thanks for humoring me and letting me toot my own horn for a minute. Training this morning went so well. I was amazed. Whenever I do the tues. night presentations I get SO nervous. I have always thought it was being in front of people. Well, it must be something else because I was totally comfortable today. Saturday training is more relaxed in general, but it is 2 1/2 hours vs about 15 minutes on tuesday, so honestly I don't get it. Oh well, I don't have to get it - I am just glad it happened that way!

I did the training with Doug Stout. Doug is married to my best friend in the whole world - Julie. This man used to not talk at all. He has changed so much over the past few years. It was SO fun today!!

I am hoping next time I get up there on a tuesday I feel more comfortable. I have no idea - but over time of doing it over and over it HAS to get easier and easier, right? I just know I am grateful to be there, grateful I am not still stuck in my house in my dark bedroom barely living life.


Shelley said...

For me - presentations seems so scary and thrilling at the same time! What an accomplishment for you!

Jen said...

Glad this all went well for you - confidence is key and believing in what you are talking about.

Terri@SteelMagnolia said...


I used to be a District Trainer for Long's Drug Stores ...
I got nervous and sick to my stomach every time!!!!!!!!

reliv4life said...

Shellmo - thanks for the support! Did you know people are more afraid of public speaking than of dying? I have heard that anyway, wonder if it is really true?

Jen - hope I gain more and more confidence, if it comes from believing in it - it should be a breeze.

Terri - wow! I have heard this from people - they still get nervous, it probably isn't all bad it keeps us on our toes anyway!