Sunday, June 22, 2008


I love that I was cold in June! After being born and raised in Texas and living there the first 30 years of my life, I LOVE that I just ran home in the rain and was actually cold! It has been warm here the past week. I won't say hot, because I know what real heat feels like, and this was not it. But all things are relative, and after a cool spring, heck, it has been a long cold winter until a few weeks back! Anyway, it was warm last night, the first night that has been a little uncomfortable due to the temp. So, the fact a storm blew thru and I had goose bumps this afternoon thrilled me to death! I have always prefered to be cold than hot. You can always add clothes, but only take off so many...

Happy summer!


Shelley said...

It is storming right now in Michigan. I love the thunderstorms - also our cool fall season. I agree - you can always add clothes!

reliv4life said...

Shellmo - I usually feel like the minority about that - glad we are on the same page!