Sunday, March 16, 2008

Holy Week!

I LOVE Holy Week! I was raised southern baptist and I never even knew holy week existed. I can remember my pastor preaching about Palm Sunday. Then we came to church on Easter in our hats, beautiful dresses and gloves. I really love being Anglican and going thru the entire week before the celebration of Easter.
This morning as we processed and sang with our Palm leaves, I was brought to tears. I just felt so close to my loving saviour. It was wonderful!! I am just so excited for this week. It is not a week of joy. It is a week of deep reflection for me, thinking of not only the sacrifice Christ gave for His life, which I am deeply grateful for, but I just feel such deep gratitude for all He is doing for me even now. I guess with Lizzie's birthday yesterday I feel so humbled by how far God has brought me in the past few years. I am so grateful not to be in the dark scary place I was 6 years ago. I was so ill, I did not know what was really wrong with me, nor did I know how to fix it. I was so afraid and depressed at not knowing what my future held for me. I felt like such a burden to everyone, as my family took care of me instead of me caring for them. I used to wake up in the morning and have no idea how I was going to make it thru the day. Now, I wake up in the morning and have so much hope for not only today, but my future is very bright! God has been so good to me. I pray I can use my life as a sacrifice to give back to Him some small way for ALL He has done for me! I could never make even a small dent compared to how much He has and continues to do for me, but I will give Him my life each day to do what He wants to with it.
Easter morning will be a day of celebration, indeed!


Friar Tuck said...

Praise God!

suesun said...

I'm not religious at all, and can't relate to feeling grateful to God for anything; I simply like people who are good and kind regardless of their beliefs.

But your post brought back some fond memories of the parade through our church on Palm Sunday.....
I'd love to be in Spain someday for the big Semana Santa (I think that's what it's called) thing-that would be cool.