Monday, January 28, 2008


I really LOVE reconnecting with people. People that were important in my life that for one reason or another had dropped out then came back. I guess after spending several years very ill it became important to me that I not take anyone for granted. We just do not know what tomorrow will bring. I guess lots of really good things came out of all those bad days, one of which is my continual journey at taking off the masks I have hid behind out of fear all my life and trying each day to really be who I am. I am trying to be honest in my relationships.

About a year and a half ago I reconnected with a friend I had known as a child. He was/is a pastor in Texas and had been a very important part of many mission trips as a child and teen. We have been emailing for that time and seldom does a day go by that we do not connect! It has added so much meaning to my life. He and his wife are precious people and I can only hope to serve my Lord with half as much sacrifice as they have in their lives.

I have also reconnected just in the past few months with several friends. Isn't it so wonderful how God brings different people into our lives at different times for different reasons? I only hope and pray I can be half the blessing that these guys have already been to me. My life is enriched because you are back in it!! thanks!!

Just this week I have a cousin that I have talked to for the first time in many years. He was our baby cousin and I can still remember well what a cute thing he was... but full of orneriness! Guess what? He is still ornery!! I LOVE THAT!

Here's to all the friends and family that I love so dearly. My heart feels like it is swelling and may burst with all the gratitude I feel, My life truly is rich!