Thursday, May 29, 2008


It was sunny today, and actually warm! In fact, Lizzie got out her much anticipated Slip N Slide we bought a few weeks back and have not been able to use yet! She had fun, as well as her big bro and sis! Don't worry, we got a picture of Jake, at 6ft long he took up half the slide when stretched out!! It is always fun to watch these teens turn into little kids and play with Lizzie. These glimpses are rare these days and it helps me get a small picture of the fact they are still kids, even if only briefly. Change is good though. I have always resisted change I think, but I am learning to grasp Jesus' hand and head on into it. I may drag my feet a bit at first, but it seems once the rough part is over there is always something even better on the other side. It is OK if I have to close my eyes and not look for a period of time, cuz I may not trust the path, but I have complete trust in the One who is leading me.

Right now the sun is gone, we are having a thunderstorm. The weather is so like life, unpredictable. I know this - the sun will come out again, eventually. It may not be today or even for a week, but I will see it again and feel the warmth on my skin. If you are in a dark time of your life, or even just having a bad day - just close your eyes and wait out the storm - there is Sun, and maybe even a rainbow waiting for you, eventually.


Anonymous said...

Light and dark, sun and shade, rain and dry times - all are necessary for a full life.

reliv4life said...

yes, citizen - so true!

Shelley said...

A very thoughtful post - the sun DOES always come back out!